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Article – How to Be in Two Places at Once: A search for the Immersive Experience in Renaissance Music and Visual Culture. Published in the Journal of Network Music and Arts (JONMA). July 2024

Lecture – A Multiverse Between Us: Unpacking the Art and Science of Plurality in the Renaissance. Presented at Renaissance Resonances Conference, London, April 21, 2024

Lecture – Anamorphic Listening: Bringing Perspective to the Experience of Notational Puzzles. Presented at MedRen Conference, Granada, July 7, 2024

Lecture – Building a Multiverse with 16th Century Technology. Presented at the Nownet Arts Conference, November 2023

Video – Treble Without a Clause. An interactive tutorial about the cadence in 16th century polypohony. August 2021

Lecture – Unfretted: The Technique of Tuning Renaissance Winds. Delivered at Comenius University Bratislava, March 2016

copyright 2022 Andrew Hallock